Humor with a side of Politics

Patrick McCorkle
2 min readFeb 29, 2024


In the past, I preferred my political news and current events straight. I wasn’t particularly interested in humorous takes, unless the events were far removed from the present. For some reason, I thought that satire, hyperbole or what have you made it harder to glean the truth.

As those who knew me back then, I was a different person. I consumed almost every single scrap of political news I could find, including the Democratic and Republic National Conventions. In those idealistic days, politics was solely the art of the possible.

Now, I’m the opposite. Without humor of some kind, I find it hard to engage with politics or current events. Witnessing history repeat itself and rabid political partisanship with no end in sight have reduced my idealism. In my more skeptical 30s, I crave a lighter edge to more serious topics.

Jon Stewart’s return to The Daily Show (TDS) on Monday nights has been a godsend for me. In three episodes, Stewart has both informed and amused me on diverse topics such as the likely Biden-Trump 2024 rematch, Tucker Carlson’s trip to Russia and interview with Russian president Vladimir Putin and the latest Israel-Hamas war. Don’t waste any time- watch them if you haven’t!

The fact the Stewart skewered both Biden and Trump in his initial show gave me hope for the future. While Stewart is clearly a leftist, he’s fair. He doesn’t hesitate to critique his side if he feels it’s necessary. Those willing to do that are an endangered species approaching extinction.

Thanks to Stewart, I’ve also become more interested in the other TDS anchors. Yesterday, longtime correspondent Michael Kosta hosted. He covered a variety of topics from last week, including the Conservative Political Action Conference, more commonly known as CPAC.

There country music singer Natasha Owens performed her song “Trump Won.” You might be able to guess what it’s about.

As a tribute to TDS for bringing the song to my attention and a couple of Redditors for suggesting a parody, I bring you:

“Trump Lost (Get Over It!)

Trump lost

I know it

you know it

The news showed it

’Cause it’s true

Trump lost

get over it!

Dead people, Dropboxes and Dominion

Pretty much factless opinion

Come on man, here’s the deal

In 2020, the government didn’t steal

The bias in Twitter and the FBI

I can’t deny…

Biden babbled and hid out on Zoom

But Trump pissed off everyone in the room

Trump lost

I know it

you know it

The news showed it

’Cause it’s true

Trump lost

get over it!

The truth always comes out

NY and California were a rout

It happened twice before

And will again in 2024

I don’t know why

You cling to a liar’s lie

Tell him “you’re fired”

And your guys might get hired!

Trump lost

I know it

you know it

Even Fox showed it

’Cause it’s true

Trump lost

get over it!



Patrick McCorkle

I am a young professional with keen interests in politics, history, foreign languages and the arts.