Repubs are red, Dems are blue (Revision)


Repubs are red,

Dems are blue,

to be honest

we’re sick of you.

The Right is red,

The Left is blue,

we all wonder

what do you do?

Elephants are red,

Donkeys are blue,

don’t you notice

problems, a slew?

Repukes are red,

Dumbocrats are blue,

this century

we need a breakthrough.

Talk radio is red,

Hollywood is blue,

of nonsense

do not spew.

MAGA is red,

The Squad is blue,

stop talking past

and talk true.

Trump is red,

Biden is blue,

tell your party to

ignore the donor’s cue.

Repubs are red,

Dems are blue,

do these things

and we may like you.



Patrick McCorkle
Patrick McCorkle

Written by Patrick McCorkle

I am a young professional with keen interests in politics, history, foreign languages and the arts.

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