Wake Me Up?
The primaries have come and passed.
Independents can never withstand
the barrage from right and left.
The partisans sharpen their blades
And war will be waged.
4 years have passed so fast-
Again, time to make a choice.
We’ve survived tumultuous past
It won’t be the last.
Still, I have to ask…
Wake Me Up…
After confirmation showdown
After November 3rd
After one party wins
After the other loses.
Wake Me Up…
When misunderstanding lessens
When the constant ads cease
When the grandstanding ebbs
When you want to listen
When we can respectfully disagree.
Wake Me Up…
If civility emerges from the abyss
If power transfers peacefully
If democracy still exists.
Wake Me Up…
Once these desires have come to pass.
Otherwise, let me sleep.
You should too.