This And Every December
World War II for two years in Europe waged
“The War To End All Wars”-not the final stage.
Behind the curtain we ran supplies
To overwhelmed and batter’d allies.
Some Americans wanted to directly assist
But we found ways to not enlist.
Lucky Lindy said “Not our mess.”
While nations decided to acquiesce
To the Axis military machine.
For democracy, a grim scene.
Then, December 7, 1941-
Suddenly, isolationism was done.
At 7:48 in the Hawaiian morning
Came the attack without warning.
Two waves, 353 aircraft in the assault
1 hour, 15 minutes later did it halt.
As tropical paradise filled with cries
2,403 Americans met their demise.
1,177 on the U.S.S Arizona alone
At harbor’s bottom a memorial zone.
188 U.S. aircraft destroyed
Materials thrown to the void.
Before we laid all dead to rest
32nd president put to the test.
Addressed a grieving nation
Altered world’s formation
With a brief dictation
To interventionist’s elation.
USA declared war on Japan
Three days later, absent plan
Germany declared war on us
Nothing more to discuss.
Battle against fascism ensued
3.5 years later it was subdued.
80 years ago this week
Came the Rising Sun’s sneak.
Pearl Harbor, remember
This and every December.